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Category: Cosmetic Dentistry

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Can Tooth Implants Fall Out?

A close-up image of a patient holding a model showing a tooth implant and a dentist placing a crown over the post.

Tooth or dental  implants have transformed dental care for countless individuals, offering a long-term solution to tooth loss and a way to restore both function and smile aesthetics. Like any dental procedure, they require diligent care to make them last. But can a dental implant fall out? Since dental implants go in the jawbone, they’re […]

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How Long Does Dental Implant Surgery Take?

A woman sitting in a dentist's chair, holding up a mirror and smiling with his dentist in the background.

Dental implant surgery is an effective solution for restoring missing teeth and improving your bite and tooth functionality.  Implants are a major permanent procedure requiring multiple surgeries and appointments. The exact time commitment varies from person to person and depends on factors like your bone health, the number of implants you need, and the surgical […]

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When Should You See a Cosmetic Dentist?

A close-up of a young woman with perfectly healthy teeth smiles after getting a whitening treatment from a cosmetic dentist.

More Than Teeth Whitening When most people think of cosmetic dentistry, they likely picture teeth whitening. But there’s more to it than a shiny, bright smile. Some aesthetic remedies can be restorative, including saving a tooth after an injury or cavity. Cosmetic services enhance the appearance of your teeth and can help support your oral […]

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Can You Get Veneers With An Overbite?

Are Veneers the Right Fit for Your Bite? A beautiful smile can boost confidence and help us feel comfortable with our bite. Many patients might think of braces or teeth whitening, but there are many more options!  Veneers provide instant teeth straightening and brighten your smile. They’re also applied to individual teeth, making them a better […]

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What Is The Difference Between A Dentist And A Cosmetic Dentist?

Are cosmetic dentists just a regular dentist that offers specific services? Or are all dentists cosmetic dentists if they do anything to improve your smile? Oftentimes when we visit the dentist, we have a specific reason for doing so—so it’s not often that we stop to consider what type of dentist we might need to visit, but […]

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Our Services

Dental Implants

Family Dentistry

Sedation Dentistry

Emergency Dental Care

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Find us on Carling Avenue across the corner from Carlingwood Mall. For your convenience, we offer free parking and easy access to transportation.

Our Address

  • 2194 Carling Avenue, Unit 1
  • Ottawa, ON K2A 1H3

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