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How Much Do Braces Cost in Ottawa?

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Crooked teeth? Overbite? Crossbite? You may require orthodontic treatment if any of these issues impact your dental health. Braces have been a mainstay of orthodontics for a long time because of their versatility in treating various issues in both children and adults. 

But like any procedure, cost can be a major factor. While the cost of braces depends on your specific situation, without health insurance, adult braces could be a couple to several thousands of dollars.

To find out if braces are the right option for you and if what you’re covered for, talk to your dentist during your next appointment. 

Breakdown of Braces Cost

The cost of braces is determined by the complexity of your teeth condition. For example, orthodontics for children is generally less costly because fewer corrections are needed. 

The overall cost of your orthodontic care includes X-rays or scans of your teeth to determine their condition and also depends on the material used. Braces can be steel, ceramic, or lingual (bracketed behind the teeth), costing anywhere between $3,000 to $10,000 without coverage.

Unfortunately, orthodontic procedures are not covered by OHIP. But check with your insurance provider to see if they will cover a portion or all of the costs associated with braces. 

Why Are Braces Necessary? 

You may have thought that braces are used for cosmetic reason, but they’re an important treatment that can help with:

  • Teeth that are crowded or crooked
  • Overbites
  • Underbites
  • Crossbites
  • Adjusting bite size

These issues can make it more difficult to clean your teeth and a faulty bit can cause jaw problems and increase your chances of encountering a dental emergency

How Long Will You Require Braces? 

Orthodontic treatment is a multi-stage practice that can take up to 2 years. However, every situation is different and the length of treatment varies between patients. 

How to Look after Braces

There is a correct way to brush and floss your teeth with braces, which your dentist will show you. However, it’s also important to continue seeing your dentist for regular checkups and cleanings to help protect your oral health.

Additionally, avoid certain foods that can harm your braces, such as:

  • Popcorn 
  • Gum 
  • Hard or sticky candy
A female dentist smiling and looking directly at the camera with medical equipment in the background.

An Alternative to Braces 

While there are many orthodontic options available, it is understandable to want a more inconspicuous choice for straightening your teeth and maintaining your dental health.


Invisalign® is a personalized orthodontic procedure that uses customized aligners to straighten teeth. These aligners are changed every few weeks to help shift teeth into their ideal positions. And because they’re removable when eating or playing sports, they’re an excellent alternative for people of all ages and lifestyles.

Invisalign® treatments can take as little as 6 to 18 months, depending on the conditions you’re treating. However, Invisalign® may not be the best treatment option for everyone. Your dentist may still suggest braces or functional appliances, but they can discuss your options during a dental exam.

Functional Appliances

Functional appliances refer to any appliances used to assist with your orthodontic care. These appliances engage your mouth muscles to correct your teeth and jaw when you speak, chew, and swallow.

Appliances can be fixed or detachable and are sometimes recommended before braces in some circumstances.

Orthodontics for Everyone

Orthodontic care can help with crooked, crowded, or protruding teeth. Whether you choose braces, Invisalign®, or something different altogether, orthodontics can have an impact on how your teeth look and function; they not only improve the appearance of your smile but enhance your oral health. Book your appointment for an assessment with Fairlawn Dental Centre today.

Dr. Ferhana Jaleel

Written by Dr. Ferhana Jaleel

As a dentist in the Ottawa area Dr. Ferhana Jaleel has been practicing full-time general dentistry over 25 years and expertly cares for patients of all ages.

To ensure that she provides patients with the best quality and most advanced care, she continually upgrades her knowledge and skills. This continued education covers topics on cosmetic and reconstructive periodontal surgery, aesthetics including Lumineers®, orthodontics, Invisalign®, placement and restoration of dental implants, and many others.

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