Teeth Whitening in Ottawa

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A Smile for Every Moment

Every moment worth remembering starts with a smile.

With our comprehensive, easy-to-follow teeth whitening treatment, we can support your journey towards radiant, glowing teeth that shine for every occasion. We personalize the process based on your needs and check in regularly to ensure you achieve your desired results.

Your smile is always worth sharing. Learn more about our teeth whitening process and book an appointment today. 

Why Have Your Teeth Whitened?

Your teeth accumulate stains from various foods and drinks throughout your life. While these stains are a normal part of life, they can change the natural colour of your teeth.

Regardless of how the stains accumulate, teeth whitening treatments can help address these concerns, supporting the confidence you should have in your smile.

Let your smile reflect who you truly are and speak to our team to see if teeth whitening is right for you!

What’s the Whitening Process?

So, what can stain your teeth? Some of the most common causes come from:

  • Aging
  • Poor oral hygiene
  • Drinks like coffee, tea, and soda
  • Foods containing berries, soy, and curries
  • Medications
  • Injury

The best way to manage stains is to keep up with your regular exam and cleaning appointments. However, if you’d like additional help whitening your teeth, we offer a comprehensive at-home whitening program!

Taking Impressions of Your Teeth

The first step in the process is to take impressions of your teeth so we can create the whitening trays you’ll use throughout your treatment plan.

After we take the impressions and send them off to our lab to create the trays, we’ll have you come in for another appointment to ensure they fit comfortably. Dr. Jaleel will walk you through your treatment plan and teach you how to use your whitening trays and materials.

From here, we’ll record the current shade of your teeth so we can monitor your progress.

What type of whitening bleach we recommend and how long your treatment lasts ultimately depends on how much you want to whiten your teeth and their current shade.

We recommend following our instructions closely to help improve your chances of achieving the best results possible.

Dr. Jaleel also offers in-office teeth whitening to give you the peace of mind when it comes to making your teeth appear brighter. In-office whitening often offers quicker results compared to take home treatments.

During an in-office procedure, Dr. Jaleel applies a bleaching gel to the teeth, which is washed off after a couple of minutes. Additional gel is then applied for up to 15–30 minutes.

Treatments generally last about 3 to 6 weeks depending on your goals, but we’ll have you come in for a follow-up appointment to examine your progress and adjust your treatment if necessary.

It’s important to know that teeth whitening treatments aren’t permanent, but they can last up to 6 months with regular brushing and flossing.

What If You Have Fillings, Crowns, Implants Or Bridges?

Teeth whitening products only help whiten your natural teeth. If you have an implant, bridge, crown, or filling before you start your whitening process, your restoration may have a different colour than your natural teeth by the end of your treatment.

We’re happy to recommend additional cosmetic services if you want to ensure your restored and natural teeth are the same shade after your whitening treatment. 

Shine with Confidence

Book an appointment with Dr. Jaleel and her team at Fairlawn Dental Centre today and find out how our teeth whitening program can help your smile shine with confidence!

Our Services

Dental Implants

Family Dentistry

Sedation Dentistry

Emergency Dental Care

Our Location

Find us on Carling Avenue across the corner from Carlingwood Mall. For your convenience, we offer free parking and easy access to transportation.

Our Address

  • 2194 Carling Avenue, Unit 1
  • Ottawa, ON K2A 1H7

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