Restorative Dental Care in Ottawa

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Preserving the Smile You Love

Tooth decay, also known as a cavity, is a progressive issue. As it becomes more and more serious, you may develop tooth pain, sensitivity, cracks, and chips.

But there are ways we can help address these concerns.

Modern restorative dentistry is all about preserving your oral health. With the help of Dr. Jaleel and her caring dental team, you’ll find the support you need to enjoy your smile with comfort and confidence.

Learn more about our restorative dentistry services, or book an appointment with us today!

What Is Restorative Dentistry?

Restorative dentistry is a group of procedures that help repair or replace damaged teeth. 

Issues like cavities or even injuries can damage your teeth throughout your life. However, addressing these issues with treatments like fillings, root canals, crowns, bridges, or implants can help restore the look and function of your teeth.

The treatment we recommend may depend on what’s affecting your teeth and how much restoration your tooth needs. For example, fillings can help address many minor concerns while an implant can replace a tooth entirely.

Check Out Our Restorative Services

One of the most common issues we address with restorative dentistry is tooth decay. Tooth decay, also known as a cavity, occurs when bacteria accumulate on your tooth’s surface over time. The bacteria, known as plaque, can harden to tartar and slowly deteriorate the enamel that protects your teeth.

When the enamel deteriorates, the bacteria can progress through the tooth and cause a number of symptoms like pain, sensitivity, or even gum disease. Restorative dentistry can help address these concerns, but it can also help address issues caused by chips or breaks.

Tooth Fillings

Fillings are a common procedure we generally recommend for treating cavities. Once our team removes the damaged or decaying tooth material, we can use a resin or metal filling to restore the tooth, preserving its health and function.

Learn more about this procedure by visiting our Tooth Fillings page today!

If tooth decay has reached the centre of your tooth, otherwise known as the pulp, it can become infected. Tooth pulp infections can cause symptoms such as pain or tooth loss, but a root canal may be able to help.

During a root canal, our team removes this infected pulp and fills the space with tooth-like materials to stop the infection from spreading.

Please visit our Root Canals page to learn more about this procedure.

Crowns and bridges are procedures we may recommend to help more severely damaged teeth.

Crowns are a tooth-like “cap” that we place over a damaged tooth to help protect it from further damage or infection, while bridges can help replace multiple missing teeth in a row.

For more information, please visit our Crowns & Bridges page.

We might recommend having a dental implant if you need to replace a tooth entirely.

During a surgical procedure, an artificial root is implanted into your jaw bone. The root is then capped with a crown designed to serve the same function as your missing tooth.

Please visit our Dental Implants page today to learn more about this procedure.

Protect Your Oral Health

Many people develop dental concerns throughout their life, but we’re here to help you find long-term solutions that suit your needs and lifestyle. By personalizing our care strategies and focusing on building lasting relationships with you and your family, our goal is to support healthy, glowing smiles.

Visit Dr. Jaleel and her team today and book your appointment.

Our Services

Dental Implants

Family Dentistry

Sedation Dentistry

Emergency Dental Care

Our Location

Find us on Carling Avenue across the corner from Carlingwood Mall. For your convenience, we offer free parking and easy access to transportation.

Our Address

  • 2194 Carling Avenue, Unit 1
  • Ottawa, ON K2A 1H7

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