Dental Implants in Ottawa

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Restore the Smile You Love

You may lose a tooth for many reasons, but you still deserve to enjoy a full, healthy smile. Whether you’ve lost it because of an injury, infection, or other oral health complications, a dental implant can restore the look and feel of your missing tooth so you can smile comfortably and confidently.

At Fairlawn Dental Centre, we can determine your candidacy for an implant as well as provide all the information you need to get started on your implant journey. All you have to do is book an appointment, and our team can handle the rest!

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are artificial roots surgically inserted into your jawbone, capped with a crown, that serve the same function and appearance as your missing tooth.

Not only do implants help fill the space left by a missing tooth, but they can also prevent your teeth from shifting and protect you from losing jawbone density as you grow older.

We can determine your candidacy and recommend a specialist to help perform the procedure. From here, we’ll be happy to co-manage your recovery with your specialist to ensure your implant feels comfortable and supports your oral health.

What to Expect from the Process

Dental implants can help support your ability to speak and chew. For all intents and purposes, you can use your dental implant just like any other natural tooth!

Implants require multiple surgeries and appointments, making them a major permanent procedure. If you’re unsure if an implant is right for you, you can always talk to us about how a bridge could help you achieve your oral health goals.

Exam with Dr. Jaleel

There are many ways an implant can help enhance your smile and support your oral health, but we’ll need to examine your teeth and ensure this procedure is right for you.

Before we can recommend it, Dr. Jaleel will confirm that your natural teeth, gums, and jawbone are healthy enough to support the implant.

In some cases, we may recommend a bone graft if your jawbone didn’t develop properly or if it shrunk while your tooth was missing. A bone graft helps repair the jawbone so it can safely hold an implant.

Dr. Jaleel performs your dental implant surgery in a few different steps:

  1. First, your surgeon will make an incision in your gums to access your jawbone. They’ll then insert a titanium root in the jawbone and close up the gums for it to heal.
  2. At a second appointment, they’ll attach an abutment to the implant. The abutment is where the crown will be attached.

Depending on your needs, we could recommend attaching a bridge to multiple implants and replacing several teeth at once. In certain cases, Dr. Jaleel will consult with oral surgeons or periodontists to ensure you receive the highest level of care possible.

It may take several months to complete your implant treatment, but we’ll book a series of follow-up appointments to monitor your recovery.

Taking care of your implant and crown is essential to protecting your oral health. If you take care of your artificial teeth properly, they can last for decades.

Love Your Smile

We believe everyone deserves a smile they can be proud of. If you’re missing teeth or have a tooth that you’d like replaced, please book an appointment with Dr. Jaleel at Fairlawn Dental Centre today!

Our Services

Dental Implants

Family Dentistry

Sedation Dentistry

Emergency Dental Care

Our Location

Find us on Carling Avenue across the corner from Carlingwood Mall. For your convenience, we offer free parking and easy access to transportation.

Our Address

  • 2194 Carling Avenue, Unit 1
  • Ottawa, ON K2A 1H7

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