Crowns & Bridges in Ottawa

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Enjoy a Smile That’s Uniquely You

Your smile tells a story—we’re just the team lucky enough to help tell it.

By understanding your smile’s unique needs, Dr. Jaleel and the rest of her team at Fairlawn Dental Centre can craft personalized restorative or cosmetic plans, like crowns and bridges, so you enjoy your oral health.

Discover your smile’s story when you book an appointment with our caring, compassionate team today.

Why We’ll Recommend a Crown or Bridge

Crowns and bridges are a great way to manage problems caused by tooth decay and tooth loss, supporting the look, feel, and function of your natural teeth.

However, the treatments we recommend always depend on the issue you have, how serious it is, and how it is affecting your oral health. To determine which strategy may be right for you, we’ll have you come in for a dental exam so we can assess your oral health and look for concerns we want to address.


Crowns are caps made of tooth-like materials that help cover damaged teeth or a tooth that needs more protection after a root canal, restoring its natural look and function.

While you’re under a local anesthetic, your natural tooth is filed down to help take impressions for your permanent crown. Filing your tooth down also allows us to fit a temporary crown while you wait for the permanent crown to be prepared. 

Your permanent crown replaces the temporary one once it’s ready, and it can last up to 10 years with proper care and cleaning.


Bridges are used to replace 1 or more missing teeth. Bridges are secured in place with the help of crowns fused on both sides of an artificial tooth, fitted over your natural teeth or an implant.

To place the bridge, you may have 2 healthy teeth filed down to allow for impressions to be taken and fit a temporary bridge. The temporary set is removed and replaced when your permanent bridge is ready. If you need an implant bridge, you’ll need implant surgery before we can fit the bridge.

Like crowns, bridges can last up to 10 years with proper care and cleaning

Dental Services Personalized to Your Needs

Alongside crowns and bridges, we can recommend various restorative, cosmetic, and orthodontic treatments to help protect your teeth and preserve your oral health. Learn more about our commitment to preserving your teeth and gums and book an appointment today!

Our Services

Dental Implants

Family Dentistry

Sedation Dentistry

Emergency Dental Care

Our Location

Find us on Carling Avenue across the corner from Carlingwood Mall. For your convenience, we offer free parking and easy access to transportation.

Our Address

  • 2194 Carling Avenue, Unit 1
  • Ottawa, ON K2A 1H7

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